Monday, August 24, 2009

Whoever you don't choose will shun you forever

Alternatively, Robby, Kevin, and I are going to check out Food, Inc. at the Boardman's Art Theater in Downtown Champaign on Wednesday evening. The show's at 7pm and tickets are $7.50 for students. The reviews I've read, (here and here) talk about how it scrutinizes the large-scale industrial apparatus that produces and processes almost all of what we eat and exposes the resulting environmental and human health consequences. Michael Pollan narrates, and is outspoken critic of industrial agriculture as well as author of the seminal book, Omnivore's Dilemma. It's earned critical acclaim and incurred the ire of corporate food producers.

Best of all? The Blind Pig is right around the corner.

And really, it's only 90 minutes long. You can make it to the Rose Bowl with plenty of time to spare.


Rebecca said...

I saw it this past's really good but be warned it will make you re-evaluate everything you eat!

Gino the Dog said...

So you mean, I'll feel even more guilty as I sit crying in an empty room as my mouth burrows into a punch bowl of original m&m's...?

jane said...

I have to mention that if you've read any or all of Fast Food Nation, Omnivore's Dilemma or In Defense of Food, it's really a rehashing of the same stuff with some PETA footage squeezed in for good measure...JTE is way more exciting!!!